
Faithful to our fighters

Get Help

Aid and Attendance
is our specialty.

See how this is just for you.
Here’s what you need to know about qualifying:

  • Must have served for 90 days of active duty
  • Must have served one day during a period of war. (Active combat is not required)
  • Must not have received a dishonorable discharge
  • Must be over the age of 65 or permanently and fully (100% disability rating) disabled
  • Must require assistance with some activities of daily living
  • Countable assets must not exceed $150,538
And More

In addition to basic pension, veterans or their survivors are eligible for Aid and Attendance by meeting one of the following criteria:

Living at Home

Illness or Immobility

Visual Impairment

Living at a Facility

Wartime Service Includes:


World War II

Dec 1, 1941 - Dec 31, 1946


Korean Conflict

June 27, 1950 - Jan 31, 1955


Vietnam Era

November 1, 1955 - May 7, 1975


Gulf War

Aug 2, 1990 - Undetermined


There are free services available to veterans to support the filing of claims for VA benefits.

Free services are provided by entities such as:

National Service Organizations
(e.g. VFW, DAV)

Local Service Organizations

State Sponsored
Veteran Service

You are not required to utilize USVC’s consulting services to submit a claim for VA benefits and can achieve a positive VA benefit claim outcome with these other organizations.The Veterans Administration provides a search tool to find representatives for VA Claims who can assist you for free at https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/vso-search

Find out how we can help.

It’s our honor to serve you.

Qualifying for additional veteran benefits
is simpler than you thought.
CALL 833-455-8387
